5 personal goals BEFORE the summer hits!

Setting goals in life is definitely a great idea and something of a constant for me which is why it’s no shock that I’ve got some lined up before the summer! So without further ado, here are my pre-summer goals.

1. Improve my physical health

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After spending 23 years of my life eating like a pig and thankfully not gaining as much weight as I probably should’ve, I’ve finally reached a point in my life where I think it’s time to take my physical health seriously.

By physical health, I don’t mean just working out but also eating healthily and making sure the food I put in my system is organic and not processed.

I had the most amazing meal last night which ended in the biggest food coma. Ever. So I guess that was a great way to finish my poor eating habit days. Here’s to a healthier, better, me.

2. Working on self-love and appreciation

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Something I’ve struggled with is self-love and also appreciating who I am. Although I am very proud of myself and I am aware of my strengths, I go through bouts of self-doubt and find it incredibly hard to love some of my imperfections. Although this will be a goal that needs consistent nurturing and reaffirming, I definitely want to be in a better head space, in regards to how I view myself, before the summer hits.

3. Deeper connection with my faith

My faith is a huge part of my life and something I take incredibly seriously. With Ramadan coming up, I really want to mentally prepare myself for the blessed month beforehand by connecting deeper with my faith.

One way I aim to do this is by reading the Quran more and listening to and attending more Islamic lectures. When I am connected to my faith at a high level, it affects everything around me, from the way I see myself to my mood. I love it and I cannot wait for that feeling again!

4. Write for more publications.

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Before I left to teach in Saudi, I was interning at Cosmopolitan and I definitely want to write for more publications.

Although I’m teaching, that is not my passion or what I want to do for the rest of my life. I’m teaching because it gives me the opportunity to travel overseas and still be able to support myself financially. I haven’t stopped blogging since I’ve arrived in Saudi and it makes me want to write more.

My degree at university was journalism & creative writing and I intend on putting it to good use when I’m back in London. This summer will be my summer.

5. Save money

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I’m pretty sure this is one that’s on everybody’s list. Saving money is another reason why I took a teaching job abroad and I plan on doing it some more over the next two months so that I can enjoy my summer some more.

In order to make the most of the internship opportunities, I need to have enough money to be able to take on job/internship/work experience opportunities that don’t pay a lot.

Also, can we just talk about unpaid internships? Ew. It’s 2018, can these companies get with the programme.

Oh and before anyone thinks this is a diss at Cosmo, that is not the case. I was paid guys!

Well there you have it, my 5 pre-summer goals. What are yours? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,

L x

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