5 things I’ve learnt about myself in the past year



So, i’m sitting on my sofa. In my apartment. All alone. When it dawns on me…the last year or so has really been a ‘get to know myself’ year.

I mean i’ve always understood what kind of person I am in regards to certain things. For instance, I know that i’m a clean-freak who can’t function if everything isn’t where it’s supposed to be (which is why living alone has its perks) but i didn’t really understand myself on a deeper level. This year however, I had a few life lessons all of which have made me more insightful into character traits and habits, i didn’t really know i had. So, without further ado, here are 5 things i’ve learnt about myself over the past year.

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the disappearing act

What have I been doing for the last three months? Well, quite evidently, not blogging or writing for that matter. I decided, very wisely, to give myself a break from every and all types of social media including my blog. It was time for a much needed detox.

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First Cheesecake factory opening in Riyadh…and I didn’t even order cheesecake!

The first cheesecake factory opened in Riyadh yesterday and I decided to pay a visit. Initially, I thought cheesecake factory was known for it’s…well, cheesecake. But I was told by some friends that the actual main courses are one of the reasons why the restaurant is so popular. So without further ado, here’s my Cheesecake Factory review…without any cheesecake.

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learning new things about myself

As humans, we learn new things about ourselves everyday. Some things we accept, like the fact I can’t watch TV unless I’m eating a snack or that I fall asleep no matter where I am. But there are some things we learn that are hard to accept. Like the fact that I can be quite impatient or that I hate admitting when something isn’t ok. So I thought I’d write a post about why it’s ok to accept things about ourselves that aren’t so great because accepting them is the first and hardest step. Continue reading “learning new things about myself”

Speaking it into existence.

I’ve always thought about what I want from my future and where i’d like to be in ten years. I’ve not only thought about it but I’ve written about it and I’ve most certainly prayed about it. Prayed that i’d be successful, that i’d be happy and I wrote endless notes in my phone and diary about how i’d like to progress in my career; but one thing I’ve found is that I have struggled with speaking things into existence and by that I mean, telling myself, ‘hey, you can do it’.

Continue reading “Speaking it into existence.”

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