the disappearing act

What have I been doing for the last three months? Well, quite evidently, not blogging or writing for that matter. I decided, very wisely, to give myself a break from every and all types of social media including my blog. It was time for a much needed detox.

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Saudi Cinema: Black Panther Screening!

Saudi Arabia ended its 35 year cinema ban on the 18th of April when Riyadh’s King Abdullah Financial District showcased the Black Panther movie to a select few. 5 days later, I was lucky enough to make history by visiting the theatres myself. Here’s how my experience went.

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learning new things about myself

As humans, we learn new things about ourselves everyday. Some things we accept, like the fact I can’t watch TV unless I’m eating a snack or that I fall asleep no matter where I am. But there are some things we learn that are hard to accept. Like the fact that I can be quite impatient or that I hate admitting when something isn’t ok. So I thought I’d write a post about why it’s ok to accept things about ourselves that aren’t so great because accepting them is the first and hardest step. Continue reading “learning new things about myself”

Speaking it into existence.

I’ve always thought about what I want from my future and where i’d like to be in ten years. I’ve not only thought about it but I’ve written about it and I’ve most certainly prayed about it. Prayed that i’d be successful, that i’d be happy and I wrote endless notes in my phone and diary about how i’d like to progress in my career; but one thing I’ve found is that I have struggled with speaking things into existence and by that I mean, telling myself, ‘hey, you can do it’.

Continue reading “Speaking it into existence.”

Here’s a tip: stop asking us for experience if you’re not willing to provide it.

Since graduating with a journalism degree last summer, I’ve applied for countless internship or work experience roles and the interviews always seem to go well. They describe me as fantastic, passionate and enthusiastic. So why is it then that two weeks later, I receive the same, spirit-killing rejection email. “Dear Luela, it was nice interviewing you. However, I regret to inform you…we’re looking for someone with more experience and unfortunately…”

Continue reading “Here’s a tip: stop asking us for experience if you’re not willing to provide it.”

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