Saudi Cinema: Black Panther Screening!

Saudi Arabia ended its 35 year cinema ban on the 18th of April when Riyadh’s King Abdullah Financial District showcased the Black Panther movie to a select few. 5 days later, I was lucky enough to make history by visiting the theatres myself. Here’s how my experience went.

A few days after the first screening, tickets were available to the general public via a countdown website. The website detailed when the tickets would be free and as they were the talk of the country, I knew they’d sell out quick. Luckily, my friend was constantly refreshing the site and was able to get us two tickets to the screening on the 23rd of April.

Guys, as a huge marvel fan, I constantly took to twitter during the month of February (when Black Panther was first released) to express my sadness at the reality that I would not be able to watch this film in cinema. Back in London, I made it a habit to see all MCU releases in cinema and ironically, a few months prior to the Black Panther release, I tweeted to my followers how important it was that we watched the film in cinema. However, on the 5th of February, I moved to Saudi which meant I couldn’t watch the film in cinema unless I went to Bahrain or any bordering countries with cinemas. So when the news came to light that Saudi would have it’s very first cinema in 35 years opening in Riyadh and that Black Panther would be the first movie screened, I jumped at the opportunity to go.

As soon as we neared towards King Abdullah’s financial district, we were stopped by security who asked to see the tickets which were sent via text message, once this was done, we were given wrist bands which would pass as the tickets once we got into the theatre.

When we arrived, I was genuinely taken aback by the beauty of the theatre. It was definitely extravagant which is Saudi’s style but it was also incredibly modern and welcoming.

We were greeted by staff at the door and ushered up the escalators to where the theatre and popcorn stands were.  Once we purchased our snacks, we were also given freebies like M&Ms, Malteasers and Skittles. Then our wristbands were checked and we could finally enter the theatre.

Let me tell you, the place was PACKED. There were definitely at least 500 seats in the theatre and it was filled to the brim. Although there were a lot of expats, (a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than their native country) the theatre also had many Saudis pay a visit too!

Black Panther definitely exceeded any expectation that I had. The movie was EVERYTHING and the atmosphere, much to my surprise, mirrored mine. The audience laughed where appropriate and seemed as though they really enjoyed themselves. Going in to the theatre, I didn’t know what to expect and I honestly thought many scenes would be cut but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. I believe that the only scene cut out was a kissing scene towards the end. I will admit that I didn’t expect a lot from the experience but that is why it was great for me to go, to see it for myself  before jumping to conclusions.

Once the movie was done, and no not just when the credits hit, but really done, (post-credit scenes are a thing, people) we were met with cheers and applause as we exited the theatres and if i can add one more note, it’s that this should definetely be a thing everywhere. I felt like a real-life celebrity.

I know there are a lot of mixed thoughts about the opening of a cinema in Saudi but I for one think there’s no harm in coming together with a bunch of strangers to experience a film together. It’s just that this time, we sorta, kinda made history.

I’m not done here though, I’ll be back soon to watch Avengers: Infinity war!

Until next time,


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