Speaking it into existence.

I’ve always thought about what I want from my future and where i’d like to be in ten years. I’ve not only thought about it but I’ve written about it and I’ve most certainly prayed about it. Prayed that i’d be successful, that i’d be happy and I wrote endless notes in my phone and diary about how i’d like to progress in my career; but one thing I’ve found is that I have struggled with speaking things into existence and by that I mean, telling myself, ‘hey, you can do it’.

In life, we can be our own worst enemies. It’s much easier to give up or press pause on something than it is to endure and to persevere, but I’ve found that when you say to yourself, out loud, I can do this and I will do this, not only is it an act of positive affirmation, but it can genuinely affect the outcome of your life. The more you tell yourself that you are a failure or that you’re not good enough, the easier it is to believe that and whether or not you hear these things from others, nothing will be as detrimental to your state of mind as saying it yourself.

I’m not insinuating that life is all happy-go-lucky but when society itself provides so many obstacles, why must we then take it upon ourselves to make it that much harder? In life, when we hear success stories, we seem to skip over the part where the person talks about the years of struggle they endured before they finally landed their dream career and just focus on the fact that they are successful now. You cannot listen to half of someone’s story, life comes with the good just as much as it comes with the bad, it is a test and with tests you can’t cheat or fast-forward – it has an allocated time and yours will come. Just revise, practice and focus because just like every other obstacle we face as humans, when relief comes and the goal is met, you’re not only going to want to revel in it but you’ll remember just what it took to get there.

Tell yourself everyday and every moment you get, I can do this and I will do this. We must be our biggest fans, our biggest supporters because nobody but us knows just what it took to get where we are and just how much we are putting in to be the best version of ourselves. I wish you all success and happiness but more importantly I wish you self-belief and self-awareness because with that, comes everything else.

Until next time,

L x

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